Yoga for Living with Loss: One Man's Life-Changing Bereavement Support
“We had been together for 42 years,” says Britt. “Peggy had a luminous quality to her, and for all those years, we were true soul mates. For those months after her death, I was really at a low point in my life. I wasn’t aware of where to turn for bereavement assistance.”    
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Out of the Fog Interview with Karen Hager
How can we enhance well-being at any age? Sheena Nancy Sarles integrates the science and biology of aging, mindfulness, and spirituality to create joyful, realistic perspectives and practices for growing younger gracefully.

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13 Happiness Practices You can Start Right Now + Enjoy Brighter Days as a Mature Woman
How do we cultivate our happiness? Does happiness can just happen, or can we make it so? As we age, we realize that happiness is more of a choice than a random occurrence. Try incorporating some of these happiness practices into your life every day and see what results they accomplish in your life.
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Mature Skin + Chemical Sunscreens: Do the Benefits Top the Potential Damage?
Remember when we used a reflector (horrors!) to speed up that tanned face? Or maybe you slathered baby oil all over to attract the brightest rays of summer right to your face and body, like I did. Well, those days are long gone, thankfully.
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Elephant Journal
Yoga gave me the tools to embrace my journey of loss without getting lost. I drew on experiences to help me navigate through these fresh losses. I became aware that resilience carries us forward.

Thrive Global
We actually can enhance our well-being...with a commitment to the pillars of well-being: nourishment, movement, and attitude. Each relies upon the other, yet each holds great significance independently.

Festival Speaker

The Bali Spirit Festival offers world class teachers of varied and extraordinary modalities, all bringing transformational experiences to a global audience. Sheena has been a part of the festival since 2014.

Global Health Aging
I have always been interested in being active, healthy, and living well. I want to enjoy all the aspects of my life...I’ve kept notes and tried whatever tips interested me. That compilation grew and grew, and is now this book.

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